Never saw a Woman so alone.
Pencil, acrylic and spray paint on glass fleece. 2023/2024. 38 x 99 cm.
Background quote Petronius. Satyricon. 1. Century AD.
Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Sibylla ti theleis; respondebat illa: apothanein thelo.
I have seen with my own eyes the Sibyl hanging in a jar, and when the boys asked her “What do you want?” She answered, “I want to die.”
Portrait of a lonely Woman.
Acrylic and spray paint on glass fleece. 2024. 36 x 97 cm.
Quote: Anita Lindblom. Yes, it was in those days. 1978.
But tonight I passed by our inn
The sign was the same as always
But in the glass of the door, I saw a reflection
Of a lonely woman—was it me?

Woman alone in the Mirror.
Acrylic and spray paint on glass fleece. 2022/2024. 38 x 97 cm.
Quote from Robert Browning. A Toccata of Galuppi’s. 1855.
As for Venice and her people, merely born to bloom and drop, Here on earth they bore their fruitage, mirth and folly were the crop. What of soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?
Dust and ashes!” So you creak it, and I want the heart to scold .Dear dead women, with such hair, too—what’s become of all the gold Used to hang and brush their bosoms? I feel chilly and grown old.
Alone with my Hearth.
Acrylic and spray paint on glass fleece. 2024. 46 x 100 cm.
Quote from Mary Oliver: Loneliness. 2014.
I have walked
long nights
through troubled cities,
through the streets of my own
And all around me I have felt
a spreading emptiness—
no door anywhere, no face
just the beat of my own heart.

Hanging alone in the Wind.
Acrylic and spray paint on glass fleece. 2024. 38 x 97 cm.
Quote from T. S. Georgis Seferis, The King of Asine, extract, 1936
On the sunny side a long empty beach
and the light striking diamonds on the huge walls.
No living thing, the wild doves gone
and the king of Asine, whom we’ve been trying to find for
two years now,
unknown , forgotten by all, even by Homer,
only one word in the Iliad and that uncertain,
thrown here like the gold burial mask.
Grey Scale.
February 2024.

The grey scale project. Looking for the expression only made by black and white. Started many years ago as you can see below. Trying to catch human experience and going to the borders of human cognition.
Now being coined in the merry month of January 2024 and ended so far in February 2024.
Title: At the End of the Universe.

The first concept of black and white painted about 50 years ago.
Originally without title, title today, the Cohen quote: I finaly got my Orders, I will be marching through the Morning, Marching through the Night.
January 2024.
Just a young Woman lighting a match in a room more than 60 years ago. Beautiful and fragile as the moment and the memory.

January 2023.
Looking for my Anima.

When searching for the very blurred concept of the Anima as defined by C. G. Jung, I bumped into this painting symbolizing what could be the other side om my masculinity. Who knows.
November 2022.
LandEscape Art Review Special Edition 2015
LandEscape Art Review. Special Edition 2022.
Searching for the concept of Happiness.
Birds and fishes in the world. All the paintings are for sale. Price 1900 dkr.
Landscapes and Memories. Click here.
The pyramid project where a yellow pyramid was used as a vehicle of hope is finished after a very good season.

The project Memories and Landscapes is still on exhibition at Bloomington, USA.
The international Art Magazine LandEscape is just now preparing the article about Memories and Landscapes.
The Gallery of Summer has been taken down and will open again in springtime 2023

And a lot of commissioned works, mostly portraits waiting to be completed