The Babylon project is a search for understanding more different traits of human nature. It is a never ending quest. Part of the project has been on juried show in New York, USA. You can read more about it at the bottom of the page.
About the project of Babylon.
The concept of deceit, of sin and misery. The study of lies and messages from smooth talking strangers. The masking of own interests as common good for the usefull idiots or even worse the useful innocents. All this is part of the Babylon myth together with the clash between good and evil, between the times that has been and the future that has already hit us. The difficulty to separate the positive and negative from the past and the present, the double faced monster of being able to have consciousness and at the same time consciousness without sufficient elements and informations. To be able to think and wonder but not able to maintain the different elements in the mind for creating useful synthesis, that is part of the explanation of Babylon – and the condition of being human.
The Babylon project consists of the description of deep feelings and commen human conditions.
The Babylon project uses the painting to try to identify the modern Babylon and its impact on the inhabitants of this planet – and the diversity of the access to understanding.
They are painted in acryllic and oil colors and using a very limited range of colors for the clarity of expression. If you want you can follow the work on this page.
The project has morfed into a mixture of Babylon and Human Nature and is now continued as a partly new project.